Corporate social responsibility (CSR) in halal sector in Malaysia: A bibliometric analysis

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Mohammad Faruk Hossain


This study aims to conduct an in-depth analysis involving bibliometric and network analytic tools to critically evaluate the extant literature on corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the broad domain of Halal. This study adopts a systematic review followed by a bibliometric analysis to acquire insight and analyse the research area linked with Halal and then narrows its focus to CSR. It analyses related literature retrieved from the Scopus database using PRISMA data mining algorithms. The analysis identifies the top authors contributing to the chosen research subject, the main sub-research areas and influential works based on citations. This study is notable for reporting established and growing research clusters and proposing future research directions in CSR in the Malaysian Halal sector. The researchers focused on the Scopus database only; the analysis may have overlooked pertinent material recorded in other databases. The proposed research clusters may help potential researchers assist, promote, and grow the Halal sector. The applied analysis involving bibliometric study and network analysis methodologies ensured the study’s uniqueness.


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Hossain, M. F. (2023). Corporate social responsibility (CSR) in halal sector in Malaysia: A bibliometric analysis. Systematic Literature Review and Meta-Analysis Journal, 4(2), 15–38.


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