The relationship between transformational leadership and organizational culture: A systematic literature review
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This paper aims to present how the relationship between transformational leadership (TFL) and organizational culture (OC) is measured in empirical studies. To achieve this purpose, a systematic literature review is used. 48 articles were analyzed from four databases. Results showed that a total of 45 journals were found to study this relationship; the relationship between TFL and OC aroused a wide interest from 20 countries since 1995; 11 instruments were found to measure TFL, among which the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) was the most widely used instrument; 25 instruments were found to measure OC. However, only 5 theories were used to explain how TFL and OC were linked. This paper also found 4 types of effect mechanisms that were used to link TFL and OC. It is recommended that future studies on this relationship should focus more on the higher education sector, and more theories be provided to explain how TFL and OC are linked. Furthermore, considerations of cultural background should be taken while selecting instruments to measure TFL and OC.
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